Start the blog

Start the blog

I’m starting a blog. There are plenty of people out here, on the internet, that are much better writers than me so I’ll aim to keep everything pretty brief and if you, kind-person-actually-reading-this, can keep expectations low, that would be perfect. 

I recently heard about an author (can’t remember her name) who writes and never goes back to edit the storyline. This blew my mind, to just flow forward with words, never obsessing over what you could have/ would have/ should have said. Forward motion only. I’ve often found the total freedom of writing daunting, but today I thought, fuck it. I’ll write a little blog (a very small one) about stuff to do with flowers, pressing, my work and maybe other random things I like too. I won’t obsess over the words. I’ll just write exactly what comes to mind and then post it. How nice does that sound.

I suppose a few years ago I might have put this sort of stuff in a caption of an Instagram post but I find myself avoiding it more and more nowadays. I get trapped in the infinite scroll, distracted from the task I was meant to be doing. And honestly I pay monthly to use this website platform and have spent a lot of time designing and making it my own so I thought, I might as well put it here.

Cool, that was it. My first blog post. I’m gonna write about flowers that are good and not-so-good for pressing next. It’s the question I get asked the most and also one of the things I find most difficult to explain to people that have never-ever pressed a flower. There’s so much that goes into it.

Loads of love, 

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